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Tuesday 30 September 2014

A short walk down Liberty Lane, Duxford

At the annual Duxford village meeting earlier in the year the issue of the state of Liberty Lane was raised - by mums who use it to get their children to school avoiding the roads. The lane has many access points along so it is a very useful join-up running from Hunts Road east to Mangers Lane.

But if you were pushing a buggy, or had children on scooters or bikes, the state of the path surface makes it almost impossible to make progress. Residents told me that for people in wheelchairs and using mobility scooters the same problems apply.

I have had a meeting with the County and a follow up. If we are successful the work isn't going to happen soon but I am pressing for a start date - it will not be cheap because of access issues i.e. the materials will have to be wheelbarrowed in and the flint wall running alongside protected.

I have asked the school to let the highways department at the county have their views - as much lobbying as possible will help here because the county repairs budget tends to be focussed on roads. 

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