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Monday 9 November 2015

whats happening on the local plan?

TRegular readers may know about the long journey of the "local plan" which is what the district council is supposed to draw up showing how it will meet demand for housing in the area. The plan is currently being considered by a Planning Inspector, in parallel with the City of Cambridge's local plan. 

The inspector asked the two councils to provide her with more information about the calculations, and also why the council was going for new town developments rather than allowing Cambridge to expand into the Green Belt. To give the councils time to reply, the inspector suspended the consideration process.

Extra work was commissioned by Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District Councils to answer the challenge put by the inspector as to whether the more than 33,000 homes put forward in Local Plans were needed to meet local needs.


In reports published today independent experts have said that 33,500 homes would be needed by 2031 to meet local needs – just 500 more than originally put forward.


The reports also state that the extra work commissioned has confirmed the two Councils’ strategy to deliver growth through new towns and villages and protecting the green belt is the right plan for the Greater Cambridge area. The proposals will be put to the full council of South Cambs district on 30 Nov and then there will be public consultation from 2 Dec through to 25 Jan.


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