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Monday 16 November 2015

Speeding in the village

People living along Duxford Rd in Whittlesford are concerned about the speed of vehicles, especially the length from the Guildhall to Mill Lane. Because Whittlesford is a long spindly village it isn't easy to put a slowing down at the ends, as Ickleton has done, and Haslingfield. 
The county put in red slow markings on the road near to the zebra crossing, and the parish has bid for traffic calming at the Guildhall corner and at the increasingly busy crossroads of Station, Royston and Duxford roads. 
The discussion needs to be had with the county engineers on whether speed bumps are the solution or something else, and there is divided opinion in the village on speed bumps.
There is also now a parish council speed indicator which gathers data on vehicle speeds along Duxford Rd (and elsewhere as it is moveable). This helps to support the parish council in its bids to the county council. I have asked the transport companies not to send lorries to the weigh bridge at the end of Mill Lane at starting and finishing school times. And the weigh bridge is due to go some time in 2016. 
One thing that does help is that with the exception of a narrow pavement from Dellers farm to Mill Lane on one side, the footpaths are set well back from the roads. 
But the main challenge is to for road users to drive responsibly. That means most of us, for there are very few non-drivers, despite the rise in cycling. 
As an aside, my father, when he was my age, would no sooner have ridden a bike than dyed his hair green. And neither would any of his friends. Now cycling round the village or over to Sawston rather than driving is not unusual at all. 
So some things do change for the better. 

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