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Sunday 27 September 2015

all politics is local! risk management, the EU, and yellow lines

I spent a morning with local district councillors on Friday at South Cambs doing some risk management training and then working through what the potential risks were facing Cambridgeshire, and how to tackle them. We included traditonal risks - i.e. something nasty happening, but also "missed opportunities" risks.
We came up with an interesting list, from cybercrime, the Local Plan for housing being rejected, financial problems, infrastructure deficit, and even devolution (not the Scottish type, but devolving more powers to local government). It made a potentially dry subject very real. 
Next morning popped up the road to the village shop for breakfast bits and bobs, and having picked up requests to sort out parking issues in front of the shop (and Post Office) was slightly thrown as I was putting the shopping into the bike pannier by a question on whether we should be staying in the EU or not. (yes we should - its easier to make changes from within it). 
Keeps you on your toes, this local politics!

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