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Wednesday 28 January 2015

City Deal - or maybe not such a good deal for the Abingtons

The City Deal Assembly and Executive met today and made decisions on what infrastructure projects should be given priority funding out of the large amounts of money it has available to it. The money comes from a deal with the Treasury that this injection of funds to resolve major transport issues will boost the Cambridgshire economy and therefore the national economy.
Much of the initial spend will go into city of Cambridge transport improvement, including some cycling routes thru the City. Not much in it for people in South Cambs, quite frankly, and not proposals that the people living at the Abingtons villages will be too keen on,
One of the decisions was to do with the A1307 that runs past the Abingtons and Babraham, and which is a key route from Haverhill for people coming to work in the Cambridge area. Sensibly, the priority is to put a bus lane onto the A1307 to encourage people coming in to use public transport rather than bottleneck through Linton by car. However, There was also agreement to a proposal to - in time - build a park and ride somewhere near the A11 junction with the A1307. This might be in 5-10 years but would affect the Abingtons. 

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