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Wednesday 12 November 2014

Up the junction

People in Fowlmere and the parish council have raised concerns about the siting of a new junction box that has just gone in on the narrow footpath between Jacksons Way and the High Street. 

A few months back when this junction box was first proposed, and residents objected, I took this up with the broadband team and they gave assurances that an alternative site would be investigated. Usually Connecting Cambridgeshire superfast broadband team are very good at resolving issues like these. They sorted similar problems in Abington and Babraham. 

The junction box has now gone in on the footpath as you can see. So a gold star for connecting the community, but a "could do better" on communciation. There may be a very good engineering reason as to why this big box has to go here, but the county needs to keep the community informed on what is going on down. I have written to the highways and superfast broadband programme director and I want an explanation. 

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