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Friday 31 October 2014

November onwards - detail of the streetlight changes in our villages.

Nine of the local parish councils around here sent representatives to a meeting I arranged with Balfour Beatty and the County Council to understand in detail the street lighting changes that will start this month. 
Over biscuits and coffee at the Whittlesford county deplot, we unrolled the technical drawings. 
Quick reminder - The main reason for the work is because many of the current lamposts are old and crumbing and the lights are inefficient and need too much repairing because they too are too old. 
So some lights will be removed and the parishes were given maps to comment on, with the undertaking that if the PC wants another lamp taken out to save the first one, then BB can do that. We discussed how they can put bafflers on to reduce light pollution. It seems unlikely - we discovered - that lights will be dimmed after ten and again after midnight in local villages as had been widely reported, because it cannot be done remotely. If parishes want extra lights these cost roughly £7k each. Parishes are now considering whether to call public meetings at which BB will attend to explain.

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