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Sunday 20 July 2014

All aboard the good ship Hinxton!

Brilliant opening this afternoon of the pirate ship that forms the centrepiece of Hinxton's revamped children's playground. 

Earlier in the year Hinxton's efforts to fundraise to replace the rather tired playground facilities next to the village hall moved up a gear with a bid to Amey Cespa's Community Fund. Amey Cespa are the company that run all the County Council's recycling and waste facilities. 

Up till then the fundraising team in the village had secured support from South Cambs District Council's Community Chest, Hinxton Parish Council, the Wellcome Trust and some local charities, as well as running events to raise cash. All this put the plan in a good place when it came to making a bid to Amey. The quality of the bid going in was of a very high standard, and the village secured some £40k, which has all been used to provide secure fencing and gates, some more challenging facilities for older children, and lots of exciting and colourful play equipment including a stunning pirate ship which was duly declared open by local youngsters cutting the ribbon. A local sign producer donated a commemorative plaque.

Following which a rather good rock band who practice in the village hall played a set, a BBQ was fired up and people turned their thoughts to funding ideas to replace the village hall roof. It's a fine example of something really bringing people together for a good cause. 

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