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Thursday 15 May 2014

whittlesford scrapyard update

These are the action points coming out from the meeting I arranged between local residents of Station Road, Whittlesford parish council and the County Highways, South Cambs planners and environmental health teams:

·         Agreed SCDC will consider the request for SCDC to do street cleaning between 8-10pm when it is likely there will be less cars parked along the roadside

·         Agreed SCDC to confirm the programme of street cleaning and provide copies of any street cleaning policies

·         Confirmed SCDC happy to undertake further consideration of noise impacts if changes to noise levels/types are identified and reported to SCDC

·         Agreed that SCDC will seek an opinion on lawful use of sites known as 40 and 41 in light of information to be submitted by residents and further SCDC site investigations

·         Agreed SCDC enforcement officer will encourage erection of acoustic fence

·         Local Highway Authority will keep existing drain areas as clear as possible to help minimise mud whilst investigating any options for repair of damaged drains – will liaise with Parish Council

I will be asking local residents to keep logs of noise issues so that the environmental officer has the evidence needed, and reminding the highways people of the mud clearance commitment.

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