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Monday, 23 April 2012

How do you get 70 people in a hall in West Wratting?

...tell them their bus service is being cut.

Went over there this evening to hear more about the solutions that the County is putting forward to replace the services that are being cut from communities like weston colville and west wratting - they will get the same as Whittlesford and Heathfield come June - one bus out in the morning and one bus back.
But also heard some good ideas from people who run demand led transport services across Suffolk, and who could work here in rural Cambs. Particualrly interested in the question about sixth formers getting into Hills and Long Road - lots of people raised this question.
Also met Dan Clarke who is leading the consultation for the county. Unfortunately nhe cant be with us at Whittlesford's meeting at the URC this Thursdau, but he will be coming to the meeting at Lettice Martin Croft sheltered housing at 10.30 in the morning on 1 May to consult with a specific user group - ie elderly people from Whittlesford.

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