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Monday, 9 April 2012

C7 bus service - county consultation timetable announced

We have all lived with the uncertainty of what will happen to the C7 bus since early 2011 when the County Council first proposed cuts in subsidy which would mean the bus company would withdraw the service through Whittlesford and Heathfield.
My boys used it to get to school in Cambridge and I have used it to get to the station with a suitcase, though it doesnt fit with the train times at all. It is pretty empty most of the time when it passes my house.
The county have now announced a consultation with parish councils that will run from April - it will be called  Cambridgeshire Future Transport and will seek to find practical solutions that meet needs without costing so much.
We have to find practical, sustainable alternatives to running an empty bus through our villages. Something that takes people to the station and to Sawston to go on to Sixth Form, and then runs a service mid-morning going through local villages to Sawston  and so on through the day. The parish council will have to decide how it wants to contribute, and it is important to be part of the process, not on the sidelines.I will hope to update the parish council at our session a week on Tuesday.

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